Dental Emergencies in Fresno, CA

Get Immediate Help.

Dental emergencies in Fresno

What Is Emergency Dentistry?

Emergency dentistry is concerned with treating urgent dental problems such as tooth infections, knocked-out teeth, chipped and damaged teeth, and missing dental work. At our office, Dr. Bauer has years of experience in emergency dentistry in Fresno. We can help you get the treatment you need with same-day and after-hours appointments. Call us now at (559) 435-4020 to get the help you need from your local dentist in Fresno.

What To Do In A Dental Emergency

Call Our Office

First, you should call Bauer Dental Co. We’ll schedule an appointment for you right away, and our team can give you further instructions on how to handle your emergency. Call at (559) 435-4020 and get the help you need immediately.

Treat Bleeding, Pain, And Discomfort

Once you’ve scheduled an appointment, you can absorb blood, if present, with gauze or clean paper towels. You can reduce pain with medication like ibuprofen and naproxen. Icing the affected area will also help numb it and reduce discomfort.

Come To Our Office ASAP

Make sure you come to our office as scheduled. You can’t treat a dental emergency on your own, so seeing your dentist in Fresno, CA right away is the best way to keep your mouth healthy and get relief from your pain and discomfort.

The Importance Of Prompt Emergency Care

Fresno CA Emergency Dentistry

Same-Day Care

We offer same-day appointments for emergency patients in Fresno. Same-day care ensures you eliminate your pain, treat your condition, and can get back to your daily routine. It saves you money, too. By treating your emergency right away, you can dramatically reduce your risk of potentially costly complications.

After Hours Appointments

Dental emergencies don’t just happen during business hours. That’s why we offer after-hours appointments for current patients. If you need urgent after-hours dental care, give us a call and discuss your situation. We’ll see you as soon as we can.

Common Emergency Procedures

Lots of different procedures are common in emergency dentistry. This includes crowns, fillings, root canal therapy, tooth extractions, tooth splinting, and quite a few more. At your emergency appointment, Dr. Bauer will examine your mouth and determine the procedure that’s right for your own unique case.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Should I Do If I’ve Knocked Out A Tooth?

What Should I Do If My Dental Work Has Fallen Out?

What Should I Do About A Severe Toothache?

What Should I Do About A Chipped, Broken, Or Cracked Tooth?

How to Know If You Are Having a Dental Emergency?

Common Dental Emergencies

Emergency Dentistry in Fresno, CA

Knocked-Out Tooth

If your tooth has been knocked out of the socket, immediate action is necessary. Otherwise, you risk permanently losing the tooth. You should contact us right away and locate the tooth if it’s fallen on the ground. You can rinse it off if it’s dirty but don’t use any other products. Be sure to only hold it by the crown side of the tooth when handling it.

You should try to reinsert it into the socket by gently pushing it with your fingers and gently biting down. Don’t try to push too hard, however; if there is any resistance, leave it be. If you can’t reattach the tooth, place it in a container of cold milk or your own saliva to keep it from drying out. 

If you can’t reattach the tooth, bring it with you to the dentist and we will see if we can reattach it. Your best chance is to get to the dentist within an hour of the tooth falling out.

Severe Toothache

If you’re experiencing a toothache, first determine if it’s a manageable dull ache or if the pain is debilitating and severe. This is what sets apart a regular dental issue from an emergency.

If you have severe tooth pain, this could be a sign of infection or serious damage. Rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution, take anti-inflammatory pain medication, and use a cold compress if you notice swelling. Get to the dentist as soon as possible.

Signs of Infection

A tooth infection carries many different symptoms, but some giveaway signs that your tooth is infected are swelling in the gums, additional swelling around the face and neck, and having an abscess near the affected tooth. 

Your tooth may also be in pain, look discolored, and feel sensitive. If you notice a chip or a hole in the tooth, this increases the likelihood your tooth is infected. Contact us immediately to let us know that you have swelling and an abscess so we can accommodate you right away. 

You will need emergency root canal treatment or an extraction. Use a cold pack and keep your head elevated to reduce swelling. Treat pain with anti-inflammatory pain medication, and don’t try to treat your symptoms alone at home. Get to the dentist as soon as possible.

Damaged Tooth

A small chip or crack is not necessarily a dental emergency. If you have suffered from dental trauma or an injury and your tooth is severely fractured or exposing the tooth’s nerve, then this is an emergency. 

You are at high risk for an infection if you don’t get immediate treatment. Contact us immediately to tell us what happened and any symptoms you are experiencing. Check for any sharp edges in your mouth and try to cover them with temporary dental fillings from the pharmacy if possible until you can get to the dentist.

Bleeding or Injury to Cheeks or Gums

Uncontrolled bleeding and lacerations to the inside of your mouth are dental emergencies. You may also have severe jaw pain if you were hit in the jaw. 

Any injury to the inside of your mouth that causes significant damage and bleeding requires urgent treatment. Try to stop the bleeding by biting down on gauze. Rinse out your mouth with a saltwater solution to remove tooth fragments and bacteria. Then, get to the dentist as soon as possible.

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